3 Ways to Build Your Child's Immune System
In our few humble years of running the Glovida business, we have had numerous opportunities to speak with many mummies and gleaned insights to some of the matters that are close to their hearts. We believe these are things that many would identify with and that it would be good to share with our many friends and fans out here. Yes, caring is sharing, they say. And we believe in sharing, caring and nourishing each other – not just physically but mentally and emotionally as well.
Whether you are a parent or have friends or siblings who are parents, it is not difficult to tell how it takes a toll on parents whenever a child falls ill – double whammy when two or more fall sick together! And we all know that prevention is better than cure! But how do we go about “preventing”?
When we were young, our parents used to say “eat dirty, grow up dirty”; which refers broadly to allowing ourselves to eat or be exposed to anything and allowing our bodies to build immunity accordingly to deal with any illnesses or adversity in life as we grow up. This philosophy may not hold as much truth for the kids today. However, eating well is still the very fundamental thing for good health. Put in the good stuff, and the body benefits. And the same can be said for the reverse… So, lesser sugar (when they get too hyper, we get too tired chasing them around) and ditch the deep-fried stuff (yeap, french fries included!). Trade the candies for immunity gummies and French fries for delicious probiotic chocolate balls (yes, there is such a thing!) – they make happy treats for kids; which tastes good and are good for their bodies.
The apple does not fall far from the tree. There, so before you start yelling at your kids for any of their bad habits… (you know what we are gonna say here. So we shan’t go on… :p) Cultivate healthy habits from home, and lead by example. Have your meals on time, eat more vegetables and fruits, drink more water, spend lesser time on your iPad, sleep early, blah blah. You know it all. The reality is, sometimes it is tough, after a full day at work, we just want to cut ourselves some slack – and not do the “good stuff” that we should be doing. But when we choose to snack on cookies and chips, binge on netflix series, or just laze on the couch and put off that needed shower; we are telling the kids that these are “good behavior” (despite what we say to them with our mouths!). So, maybe it’s time to take a hard look at yourself and see if there are some changes that need to take place; starting with yourself. #toughlove
A simple place to start is to stock up on immunity boosters for the family. If the kids are still young, it’s a good idea to start them off on quality probiotics. Also have some emergency supplies handy for that occasional cough and sore throat.
Spend time outdoors and get some fresh air! Go for a walk as a family; or if you are up for it, level up and go for a jog, maybe even cycling and swimming. Exercising helps to keep the body healthy and more resilient to viruses and illnesses; it’s one of the best ways to boost immunity. Not to mention the obvious, exercising as a family is also excellent bonding time! And if that sounds too boring, start flossing (the dance, not the teeth!) together with the kids – get them to teach you the moves! Have some fun while doing that. Who cares if you look goofy.
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